"Great Leaders Breed Great Leaders"
Sometimes you just hafta stop, reflect and pay Homage … As I live and learn, I realize that everything in life is a lesson. We’re either learning from someone or something, or someone is learning from us. We can teach lessons without even knowing that we’re doing so. Those lessons can either affect people in a positive or negative manner. That’s why we should always be mindful of what we say and do and how we treat others, and we should always treat others the way that we want to be treated. Now, we’re not going to get this right 100% of the time, and that’s why it’s so important for us to be mindful and pay attention to our actions and our words. When I first started my professional career over 30 years ago, I had a Supervisor named Marilyn J. Smith, who would change the trajectory of my professional life. I was so green when I secured my first ‘ real ’ professional job. I was extremely nervous during my interview, that I literally had tears streaming from my eye...