Rolanda Perkins

Rolanda is a National Spokesperson for the GO RED for Women Campaign through the American Heart Association. She also serves as a WomanHeart Champion Facilitator who educates the community about Heart Disease in Women.
Rolanda is very passionate about the work that she does in helping to educate the community about Heart disease in women because she experienced a heart attack in 2005. Since that time, she has made it her mission to help educate the community and to help raise awareness within the community about Heart disease in Women.
In 2009, she was chosen to be a National Spokesperson for the Go RED for Women campaign with the American Heart Association. The Go RED for women campaign is the American Heart Association's national movement to end heart disease and stroke in Women. In 2011 Rolanda became involved with the WomenHeart organization where she serves as a WomenHeart facilitator. WomenHeart is the national coalition for women with heart disease.
Since that time, Rolanda has had many awesome opportunities presented to her as a result of the work that she does in the community around this cause. She was able to participate on a National conference call with US Surgeon General, Regina Benjamine during National Heart Health month and discussed Heart Health in Women. Rolanda has also served as a representative, traveling to Capitol Hill in Washington DC to speak to her Legislators concerning Legislation dealing with Women’s Heart Health.
In 2016 Rolanda had the honor of presenting the WENGER Award to the founder of 'Black Girls Run', at the Wenger Awards dinner in Washington, DC. (The Wenger Awards annually honor individuals and organizations making extraordinary contributions to the advancement of Women’s Heart Health. This signature event is attended by leaders in Government, Business, Industry, Advocacy, Media and Medicine).
Rolanda has appeared on The Today Show in New York and on Fox TN Mornings, sharing her story and helping to raise awareness about Heart Disease in Women. She’s also been featured in several magazines and publications to include WOMEN’S DAY and SHAPE magazines. Rolanda has been featured on several local and National online websites to include: The American Heart Association, WomenHeart, Go Red for Women,,,,,, and The Daily News Journal, to name a few.
Rolanda was also part of the launch for the American Heart Association’s first Women’s online patient support program for Women fighting Heart disease. She also serves the online support program for the WomenHeart Organization as well.
Rolanda was once a featured speaker at the Go Red for Women Luncheon in Murfreesboro, TN where she was able to share her story with the audience. She can often be seen around town and in the Middle Tennessee community, speaking to groups and helping raise Awareness about Heart Disease in Women. She is actively involved in this effort and seeks out ways in which to get others involved.
Rolanda is again challenging the Faith Based community to unite in a collective and unified effort by wearing the color RED on Sunday January 31st, 2021 to help raise awareness for the fight against Heart disease in Women. Many people still don’t realize that Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of Women. This ‘Call to Action’ helps get the Faith Based community actively involved in helping raise awareness about this disease. It also prepares us for National Wear RED day which is celebrated across the nation on the first Friday in the month of February.
On FRI FEB 5th, 2021, people across the nation will unite and wear the color RED in recognition of Women’s Heart Health.
Rolanda D. Perkins,
Go Red for Women National Spokesperson
WomenHeart Champion Facilitator