Ephesians 6:12
A long time ago, I saw something on the internet called, Jessica’s affirmations ... that helped inspire me to begin talking to myself. HUH? Yup! It helped me be able to look at myself in the mirror and begin affirming some of the most positive messages that I had NEVER before said to myself. It wasn’t easy because when I initially started reciting those words, I didn’t believe any of them and it was very difficult to even carry out that exercise without it evoking several emotions that would bring me to tears. To help conquer this task, I had to start with baby steps... I first began posting positive messages on my bathroom wall that I would read daily... anytime I’d visit that room. It would be several post-It notes with motivational messages to myself... from myself that would boost my confidence and feed my self-esteem. Some of the messages were reminders of what God said about me... ( that replaced the negative things I sometimes said to myself ...