
Showing posts from September, 2021

Ephesians 6:12

A long time ago, I saw something on the internet called,   Jessica’s affirmations ... that helped inspire me to begin talking to myself.   HUH? Yup! It helped me be able to look at myself in the mirror and begin affirming some of the most positive messages that I had NEVER before said to myself. It wasn’t easy because when I initially started reciting those words, I didn’t believe any of them and it was very difficult to even carry out that exercise without it evoking several emotions that would bring me to tears. To help conquer this task, I had to start with baby steps... I first began posting positive messages on my bathroom wall that I would read daily...  anytime I’d visit that room.  It would be several post-It notes with motivational messages  to myself... from myself  that would boost my confidence and feed my self-esteem. Some of the messages were reminders of what God said about me... ( that replaced the negative things I sometimes said to myself ...

You are NOT in control!

We are NOT in control of everything that LIFE presents to us!  However, we CAN control how we act &/or react to those situations that are placed in our paths. We can either choose to get upset, sulk, & stay in that funk, or we can choose to use that same energy we spend on worrying & being upset, & give it over to God to handle. I was presented with an issue this week that would have had me stressed out the entire week... once upon a time. It seemed that everything I tried & every corner that I turned, presented a dead end for me. What I had to remember once again... was that I was NOT in control!!  I was struggling to figure it out on my own but once I came to my senses & decided to give it to God, that's when everything started falling in place.🀷🏾 God was just waiting for me to stop being a 'control freak' so that He could work it out for me.🀦🏾😁#LessonLearned

LIFE like a MAZE

  As I was thinking about  life  the other day, I thought about how it resembles a  MAZE  to me. One dictionary definition describes  a maze as being a path or collection of paths, typically from an entrance to a goal .  That made me think about how we strategically navigate through life  ( the paths ) while confronting various difficulties that may arise along the way to our destinations ( goals ). We always begin ( at the entrance ) with an objective in mind of where we want to go, or what we want to do, or even who/what we want to become. To accomplish these things, it’s imperative that we maintain our focus and determination to accomplish what we set out to achieve.  Just like walking through a maze, we all encounter different obstacles ( roads ) that we must travel as we journey through life. It might become difficult at times and we may feel trapped, not knowing how to escape. However, when we regain our focus, we discover there’s alway...

Quitters becoming Winners

  Who said that quitters never win? I beg to differ. I believe there are times in everyone’s life when it’s extremely beneficial and necessary to  move  people, places, and things...  away from  and  out of  our lives to help propel us to our next chapter. Yes, it may be scary to step outside of our ‘ norm ’, but when that time presents itself, it’s important for us to heed the call. When we think of Quitters, we often think of someone who easily gives up. However, the kind of Quitter I’m referencing is the person who starts releasing people and things that no longer serve a purpose in their lives & they're not afraid to let them go. They win by caring enough about themselves to start prioritizing their own well-being.  Some examples I’ve seen of Quitters becoming Winners is when they ... QUIT a job/career that they’re no longer passionate about... QUIT...Doing things that are detrimental to their wellbeing... QUIT...Stressing & worrying a...

Relaxing the mind

  How do you relax  your  mind? There are many creative ways to do this.     Recently I’ve discovered that moving thoughts from my mind to paper is a great way for me to clear out things that have lain dormant for years. They can be good or bad thoughts but getting them on paper and out of my head, helps clear up space for me to reflect on other things. It’s a way for me to journal, share ideas, and at times help to inspire others.   Writing for me has served as a natural memory booster, and has assisted me in recalling things that might have gotten misplaced in my thoughts over the years. It has also helped   to improve   my creativity & vision. It has even helped to quiet that internal dialogue/chatter that used to play often. This for me is calming and this is what helps me to relax.    So again, I ask…  How do you relax your mind ? Find what works for you & do  THAT  thing.