Quitters becoming Winners


Who said that quitters never win? I beg to differ. I believe there are times in everyone’s life when it’s extremely beneficial and necessary to move people, places, and things... away from and out of our lives to help propel us to our next chapter. Yes, it may be scary to step outside of our ‘norm’, but when that time presents itself, it’s important for us to heed the call. When we think of Quitters, we often think of someone who easily gives up. However, the kind of Quitter I’m referencing is the person who starts releasing people and things that no longer serve a purpose in their lives & they're not afraid to let them go. They win by caring enough about themselves to start prioritizing their own well-being. 

Some examples I’ve seen of Quitters becoming Winners is when they...

QUIT a job/career that they’re no longer passionate about...

QUIT...Doing things that are detrimental to their wellbeing...

QUIT...Stressing & worrying about things beyond their control...

QUIT...Letting people manipulate & bully them...

QUIT...Hanging out with the wrong crowd...

QUIT...Abusing their bodies... just to name a few...

So you see, Quitters DO actually WIN when they find the courage to do so.  πŸ˜Š


Anonymous said…
This is so true. Some times, QUITTING people that are family members, is the hardest. Once you do, there is such peace. Once I realized some people come into my life for a season, others to stay, some to come back later when they become “healthy “. You can’t make someone care about you, love you, respect you. If they aren’t, then let them go.
Bubbaship said…
Since losing my sister in March, i have QUIT taking my health for granted. The way she suffered the last few months on earth, i knew that i must start to take better care of myself. I started going to a wgt loss clinic and also started a wgt loss program called Optavia. I started the clinic in July and optavia in August. As of this passed Monday, i have lost a total of 43 pounds. Following her death, i went thru this period that i didn’t want to do anything or see anybody. I did a lot of self examinations of things and people in my life. So i have let a few people go that i felt that had QUIT on me in life. Ro Ro thank you taking the time to do these post, I will do a better job of reading them. πŸ’œU!
Ms. Ro RED said…
To my Anonymous Friend @ 7:20 a.m.
It's such a BIG WIN for YOU, when you're strong enough to let those people GO!! You're restoring your PEACE. That's how WINNERS WIN!!!πŸ€œπŸ€›
Ms. Ro RED said…
OoohWeee Bubba!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ If this aint "WINNING", I don't know WHAT is!!πŸ€— I'm SO PROUD of you for choosing to let go of old mindsets & stepping into the newness of life!πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ˜˜
Stephanie Ellis said…
Ro, I need to hang out with Bubba!!!I agree with everything he said, as well as everything you said. I hope you don't mind, but I've got to share these blogs with family and friends! And getting ready to look up the weight loss program Bubba was referring to...I already have started the weight loss class...gotta keep it moving!

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