Who do YOU say, "I AM"?

When was the last time that you loved on yourself? When was the last time that you told yourself how  beautiful you are; the last time that you praised yourself for the talents that you’ve been blessed with; the last time that you acknowledged your creativity; the last time that you patted yourself on the back for something great that you did; the last time that you looked in the mirror and fell in love with YOU… not because of your outward beauty but because of the beauty that you feel resonating from within. 

OH! You don’t remember the last time?? Is it because those are not things that you’re in the habit of saying to or about yourself? Are you instead, in the habit of acknowledging all of your faults, your mistakes, your shortcomings, your insecurities, the problems in your life?

Do you tend to beat yourself down and say demeaning things like, “I am so FAT…”; “I’m unhealthy“; “I am not worthy”; “I’m so slow”; “I am not as smart as…”; “I’m certainly not qualified to…”; "I am never gonna get rid of this debt”; “I’m SO stupid”; “I am never gonna lose this belly fat”… OH WAIT! That one’s mine! LOL! Seriously though, can you relate & do some of these, sound familiar to you because you’ve spoken them before? I know that I have.

Be very careful and extremely selective of what you place after your, “I AM” because what we speak over ourselves and what we put our focus on is what we soon become. Do you ever wonder why you can’t seem to pull yourself out of experiencing these negative thoughts? Well, think on this: We’ve all either read or heard the scripture that says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Simply put… you are what you say about yourself, what you speak over yourself, & what you affirm to yourself… be it positive or negative. Your mind does not know the difference. So why don’t you help it out by affirming more positive things over your life. Remember that whatever you place after your, “I AM”, is what you’re speaking into existence and it says, “Your wish is my command”.  

So, begin affirming positive things and speak LIFE! …”I AM healthy”… “I AM gifted”… “I AM beautiful”… “I AM worthy”… “I AM smart”… ya dig??



Agree Mode said…
Thanks for the encouragement.
Unknown said…
This was truly a blessing.
Unknown said…
What a Powerful two words I AM. Thanks for putting that in my Spirit today.
I will be very mindful today of what words I put after the statement I AM. I
Will Make every effort to make sure they are positive words.
Thanks so much❤️
Sandra said…
Thank you Ro! Beautiful message much needed.
Mrs. K. Booker said…
Morning! I AM! YES! We must affirm that we ARE worth it. Even with all of our imperfections we are beautifully and perfectly made. God don't make no mess! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ You are awesome Ro!

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you my friend. I'm glad that you were encouraged. And YES! "I & AM" are two powerful words when used Twogether!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you San๐Ÿ˜˜ Glad you were encouraged.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you Mrs. Booker, for that message๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›
Stephanie E said…
You are on a roll!!! Confirmation!!!
Stephanie E said…
Had to post again. Trying to get in the habit of positive speaking

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