The Struggle IS REAL!!

“My struggle IS real & it’s been an emotional roller coaster at times.”

When I was hosting, ‘The Beat Goes On’ radio show from 2014-2018, I would often reference, ‘The Struggle being REAL’ in reference to my weight and physical health. What I didn’t realize at the time was that those challenges didn’t deal with my physical health, like I thought.  Instead, I finally had an epiphany & realized that the ‘Struggle’ I often spoke of, had more to do with my Mental Health than it did anything else!

Conversations about Mental Health are not often referenced in a positive light, which is why many people have a hard time seeking the needed help to maintain a healthy mental balance in life. Along my journey, I’ve struggled with battles that would plague my mind about my health and well-being. I would accept, receive and believe all the negative & judgmental thoughts, the scrutiny, the demeaning words, the ‘put downs’, & the ugly criticisms that oftentimes ran amuck in my mind!!

As a result of this type of thinking, I experienced feelings of unworthiness, stress, anxiety, hopelessness, and even, depression. This was especially true after experiencing a Heart Attack in 2005. There were SO many unproductive thoughts that plagued my mind and had me extremely fearful of just about everything!! However, I masked those feelings very well but eventually had to seek help because of the constant struggle. Figuratively speaking, I wore a mask (when masks weren’t a thing, yet) LOL! 

Here’s what I do know… That I’m not the only person who experiences thoughts like these. I know of friends, coworkers, acquaintances and even family members who experience these same negative thoughts, daily. I hear the way people talk TO themselves, ABOUT themselves and the negative things that they often speak OVER themselves. I’ve learned that we contribute to the turmoil in our minds as a result of our own thinking. 

Sound crazy? Well, answer this: “Who spends more time with YOU and is ‘all up in YOUR ears’ talking to YOU & depositing negative seeds in your mind more than anyone else”? It’s YOU!! The thoughts that you’re thinking come from the things that YOU say To & About Yourself! May I suggest that negative thoughts linger because of things that you choose to: Listen to, Watch, Read, Speak out & the things that YOU let Consume your thoughts daily... so choose wisely!! Consequently, unless and until YOU begin renewing your mind daily, you’ll continue to torcher yourself with those lingering negative thoughts

Start renewing your mind daily, by becoming more intentional about: Reading scriptures that affirm what your Creator says about you; Listening to uplifting audio; Consuming positive literature (to especially include Affirmations), & even by watching more motivational shows that encourage and uplift. YES!... The struggle IS real” but YOU DO have the POWER to OVERCOME those negative thoughts! 


Anonymous said…
The struggle is REAL!!! You are definitely NOT alone in this struggle. This message was much needed this morning...actually an answered prayer. Thank you so much!
joyous1 said…
Amen to all of this!! As a woman also living with heart disease and several other health challenges, this is truth and we DO have the power and hold the key to changing the way we see ourselves AND the way we think about ourselves! Great piece, Rolanda!
Stephanie Ellis said…
Thanks for this inspirational message. I needed that!!!
Missy J said…
Well said Rolanda. I have been in a similar health situation and have had the same anxieties and struggles dealing with my mortality. That was extremely overwhelming. That stress was the tip of the iceberg so to speak especially once you add stress over kids, grandkids & other family members' well being. When you add politics and the pandemic to the mix, stress & anxiety starts to pile on heavy and it takes a toll on me emotionally and mentally. It's a burden we shouldn't try to handle alone.
Trice said…
Beautiful message!
Anonymous said…
Mrs. B said…
Yes Ro! You hit the hammer square on the head. Well said! I'm not what people say I am. I'm what I say I am. Negatively breeds negatively and vice versa.
Madonna Fauth said…
Oh my sweet Ro! You are such a great light in this fallen world filled with darkness in which we live. How beautifully put. The demons are an active presence and God’s word is our best sword to fight them off. So glad you mentioned.... what we watch... as also having influence. With so many types of media available to us via Netflix, HULU, Amazon Prime just to name a few. We think therefore we become. We watch therefore we act out. We listen to therefore it resonates in our minds.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you all SO much for taking the time to stop by & read my first post. Your words are very encouraging to not only me, but to everyone else that drops by here as well. Your words also help to encourage & inspire others.❤ROLANDA❤
Melissa Oakley said…
The Mental Head game is always my biggest STRUGGLE. Thank you for this and it spoke straight to my heart! Now to work on my brain with your great suggestions. ♥ you lady!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for reminding me that I need to encourage my
self daily with positive words, so I can see myself as God
sees me beautifully and wonderfully made.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Yessss Melissa! That mental head game "ain't NO joke"!! It is SO REAL! That's why it's SO important to take the suggestion of my 'Anonymous' friend & practice encouraging ourselves daily by speaking those affirmations to ourselves. We might not believe them at first, but over time & with much repitition, it'll start to resonate in our spirit. Eventually, with time we'll become more confident about what we're saying to & about ourselves & it gets easier to receive & believe what God says about us.💛💚
DMOS said…
This is real right here. Very deep but so true.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the I AM reminder. I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE...
Unknown said…
Thanks for the I AM reminder. I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE...
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you for stopping by & taking the time to read & be encouraged.
Ms. Ro RED said…
I'm glad that it was able to help you💛💚
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you my friend💛💚
Ms. Ro RED said…
Awesome Stephanie! 😊I'm glad you were encouraged.
Ms. Ro RED said…
You're SO right about not handling these burdens alone Missy. And I'm SO glad that we don't have to!💚💛💚💛💚💛
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank You Treece😘
Ms. Ro RED said…
Exactly! Say it louder for the people in the back of the room to hear😁
Ms. Ro RED said…
Love the way you put that Madonna! 💚💛💚
Ms. Ro RED said…
Yaaaas! We ARE!💚💛
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you for dropping by😘
Anonymous said…
Ms. Ro RED said…
...& Thank you for stopping by.

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