False Evidence Appearing Real…

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear” …Nelson Mandela 

For years I experienced this in my life. For a long time, I felt like I was married to it because it seemed to control every fiber of my being. I went to bed with it, I woke up with it, I took it to work with me, I’ve even let it influence lots of important decisions in my life. Basically I let it take control over a good portion of my life until I decided to FIGHT back against it!! It wasn’t easy, but it was very necessary if I was to move forward and prosper in life. Unfortunately, prior to me deciding to fight back, I let it stop me from accomplishing many wonderful things in life. 

I finally realized that I had one of two choices: (1) Continue to live in Fear and miss out on so many wonderful things in life, or (2) “Suck it up Buttercup & do it while experiencing the fear”!! I discovered that THIS is when the fear begins to diminish. Think of it as you fighting against Fear and you’re winning because you’re not backing down… although, you’re still afraid… but you refuse to be defeated this time… so you keep pushing forward until YOU TRIUMPH & get the VICTORY!! HA!! HOW DOES THAT FEEL? Talk about a struggle being real! LOL!!

In the past, my overactive imagination would sometimes take me places in my mind that I had absolutely no business being. This would cause me to be afraid of so many things that I should never have even worried about. That dirty rotten scoundrel called FEAR, used to paralyze me! How did I ever let it get the best of me like that? I can tell you THIS, it didn’t just magically appear overnight. Instead, it happened over time. It just kinda crept in like a thief in the night and deposited all kinds of negative seeds. It tried to steal my joy & happiness, it tried to kill my spirit & will to thrive, and it also tried to destroy my life & my health. It set up camp in many different areas of my life and totally RAN AMUCK! However, since I’ve been spending countless hours working on improving my thoughts, my imagination has calmed down significantly, and the fear doesn’t torture me like it used to. OH! But don’t get it twisted, I’m not out of the woods yet, and I constantly strive to be intentional about working on renewing my mind daily so that Fear does not ever think that it can take another foothold in my life!!!!! 

One of the things that I must remind myself of often, is that life is very precious and that we only have it for such a short time. Don’t let Fear control any more of that time! Make up in your mind that you’re not going to let Fear drain any more life out of you and that YOU are willing to fight!! 

Tell Fear, “Never again!... “Farewell”… “Goodbye”… “So Long”… “You got’s ta go”!!!

Be Encouraged: Kirk Franklin’s, “Hello Fear”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsceEUmDnK4


Anonymous said…
This is good. Thanks for sharing.
Ms. Ro RED said…

Kirk Franklin's song (HELLO FEAR), has helped to strengthen me.💚💛
Ms. Ro RED said…

Thank you for stopping by.
Anonymous said…
Thank You. This helps.
Ms. Ro RED said…

So glad this was able to help you💛💚
Stephanie E said…
What you said!!! All of it is true. My daily devotion on yesterday spoke about fear. MARK 6:50. Jesus said to them...don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here!!! Loved the song from Kirk Franklin. Thanks my sister! I need you as my life coach!!!

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