Because it's essential!


WHY take care of your mental health???  … Because it’s essential! We’ve heard that word used a lot in the past year and a half referencing the importance of certain workers being available to service the public. Workers like health care personnel, first responders, grocery store workers, and employees in other essential workplaces. These are the folks that we heavily rely on to care for our critical and necessary needs. We! Need! Each! Other! To! Survive! We were not put on this earth to exist alone!

In the same respect that people play a vital role in our survival, we also have a role to play in it as well. I believe that we too, have the responsibility to take the necessary steps in caring for ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. All these things collectively work together to ensure that we’re receiving the best overall care for our survival. 

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Self Care, especially in the wake of Simone Biles withdrawing from some of the Olympic events to consider her mental and physical wellbeing. She stated the following, “It’s honestly petrifying trying to do a skill but not having your mind & body in sync.” Simone decided that preserving her Physical and mental health was a lot more important than defending her vaulting gold from the 2016 Rio Olympics. KUDOS to her for making that brave decision to put her physical and mental health FIRST!!! I’m SO happy that the spotlight is finally beginning to shine on this subject and it’s now becoming more of a priority conversation!!


Mrs. B said…
We must listen to our bodies and take care of ourselves
No one knows what you're going thru but YOU!!
Ms. Ro RED said…
You are SO right about that Mrs.B🤗

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