We will not be ashamed or disgraced


I was listening to a man the other day sharing a testimony about some things he did in his past that he was ashamed of. When he began talking about those experiences, he got choked up and had to pause to gather himself. He seemed to be experiencing the guilt, hurt and shame all over again even though he had worked through those issues. As I was listening to him, I thought about how powerful that emotion can be when we let it have power over us by continuing to accept responsibility for things that we’ve already worked through and let go of.

I thought about how shame has made me feel in the past. It has made me want to hide my internal struggles that I dare not share with others out of embarrassment and fear of being judged. Shame is a tormentor that’s been both mentally and physically toxic in my life. It causes us to feel exposed and then we begin worrying about what others think of us. Or at least those are things that I’ve experienced before

So, whenever I feel like I’m at a crossroad and I don’t know what to do or where to turn, the bible is always a source of encouragement that speaks life back into me. As it relates to the subject of shame, it reassures us that we don’t have to live with shame. It reminds us that the Lord God helps us and therefore, we have not been disgraced! It declares that we should fear not, for we will not be ashamed or disgraced and that we will forget the shame of our youth. No matter what we face in this world, take comfort in knowing that the word of God is available to us and will always provide instruction to help reset our thinking back to what God says about us!


Unknown said…
Thank you for this message and reminder not to dwell on our past mistakes!
Ms. Ro RED said…
You're welcome. Both of You🤗🤗
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much this is a good reminder
Mrs. K. Booker said…
Romans 5:4-5 states: "Endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."
Ms. Ro RED said…
YW my Friend @11:18 PM🤗
Ms. Ro RED said…
Yessss Mrs. Booker🤗 Another Great one!

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