Protecting your Peace


This week I’ve been decluttering my home. It’s amazing the number of things we accumulate over time that no longer serve a purpose for us. I had two piles: Things to donate and things to throw away. At one time those things served a purpose in my home. However, I felt like they were now just taking up space and in the way. I’ve been telling myself for years that, “I need to get rid of this or that...” for whatever reason, but never really took the time to do it. However, once I did, I could either leave that space empty, or add something else in its place. Whatever the decision, the feeling of releasing the item was very liberating.

It made me think about the people that we let linger in our lives whose season has passed. There’s nothing wrong with decluttering people from our lives, as we declutter, things. Sometimes there are people in your orbit who no longer add value to your life, and you should have released them a long time ago. I’ve had to step away from folks before. At times it was easy letting go, while other times it was more challenging but very necessary! People deposit good and bad things in our lives, and we determine what we will accept, who gets to stay and who needs to leave. When we declutter certain relationships from our lives, we’re choosing to protect our PEACE.


Susan Head said…
If it cost you your peace it's too expensive!!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Sue... You said a MOUTHFULL!!🤗

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