UV Safety


July is UV safety awareness month. It’s also one of the hottest summer months when people spend lots of time outside in the beautiful sunny weather. This is the season when we’re enjoying the water & amusement parks, outside music festivals & lots of other summertime outdoorsy activities. With that said, it’s vitally important for us to stay hydrated and to protect our skin from the UV rays of the sun.

My skin is SUPER sensitive, and I can’t use just anything on my skin. I’m what you would refer to as being, chemically sensitive. Several years ago, when I was uninformed about protecting myself from the sun’s rays, I used a popular name brand product from a well-known company that’s been around for years. The product promised to not only protect my skin from sun exposure but also repel insects as well. I figured since it was a bright, clear & crisp October day where the sun was peeking through but not beaming down hot rays, it would be OK for me to use this product. BOY! Was I wrong!!

What happened during one of those 3 days that I participated in the Avon Breast Cancer 60-mile walk, was a terrible sunburn to both arms and my face, along with blisters! Apparently, I chose the absolute WRONG product, and it did NOT protect my skin from the rays of the sun!!  I now know how crucial it is for me to take special precautions when spending time outside in the sun. That’s why I'm often seen with a hat, sunglasses, arm sleeve protectors, an umbrella, and whatever else I can find to shield myself from the sun! LOL! That’s also why this month I wanted to bring attention to the importance of protecting yourself from the sun’s UV rays. Below is a link that speaks about basic UV safety:

July is UV Safety Awareness Month | Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc. (pmh.com)


Mrs. B said…
Those UVA rays don't play. Don't think that only light skinned Black's need protection from the sun!! ALL shades are fair game for THE BURN!!

Thanks Ro!

Ms. Ro RED said…
OooooWeee Mrs. B
Don't I know it!🙄Lawd!

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