Medication & Sun Sensitivity


Can medication make you more sensitive to sun and heat?

When I first began taking medication for my heart health, I learned firsthand that many drugs could intensify the effects of hot weather and the sun. Anytime I was prescribed a medication, I would read all the information provided on the prescription drug information sheet. I wanted to know if there would be any side effects. I also needed to know if one medication would have an interaction with any other medications. I took the time to learn as much as I could about the meds that were prescribed to me. I learned that certain medications could make you more sensitive to the sun. I was unaware of this information at that time. However, I soon began experiencing the physical effects of being sensitive to the sun while taking medication.

I know there are lots of people who take prescription medications, and they don’t take the time to read the drug information sheet that accompanies their medication. They usually just rely on the doctor to inform them of any side effects. Did you also know that not only can prescription medications increase your risk of heat-related illnesses, but over-the-counter medications can as well? I found this to be such an interesting topic and one worth sharing. By clicking the link below, you can educate yourself about this topic:

Can Meds Make You More Sensitive to Sun and Heat? - Consumer Reports


K. Booker said…
Great information, as always. Thanks Ro!!

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