
Showing posts from October, 2022

Confessions from people struggling with depression & how to help them…

  October is depression awareness month & for this last post of the month, I wanted to share some true confessions from people who struggle with depression.  These are things they would like others to know ... Also included in this final post of the month is the link to an article I read on the WebMD website explaining some of the things we can do to help someone struggling with depression. Hopefully, the information shared this month has been helpful & insightful.   Someone I Love Has Depression: What Can I Do? (

Things we do because of Depression…

  October is depression awareness month & listed below are 10 things that depression makes us do ( explained in a short video ). As shared in the video, depression is a sneaky mental disorder that’s difficult to catch in the early stages. It’s often recognized after we’re already engulfed in it.  One time when I was experiencing depression, I had no idea how I got to that place in my mind, but I was there and recognized that there was definitely something wrong. I knew that was not a place that I desired to be and found myself doing things that were out of the ordinary for my character. Below are a few of the things that I experienced...   10 Things Depression Makes Us Do - YouTube -Isolating yourself -Being disorganized -Poor hygiene -Struggling with sleep -Catastrophizing every situation -Terrible eating habits -Lack of motivation -Evading your problems -Feeling guilty & feeling self-hatred -Living in fear

It’s OK to talk about depression

  October is depression awareness month and last week I shared what depression is. We know that depression presents itself differently in everyone, yet many people experience some of the same symptoms. In the past, I experienced depression and felt so alone with my thoughts because I chose to suffer in silence. I didn’t want to share my experience with anyone out of fear of people not understanding & also, judging me. However, at this point in my life, I truly understand the importance of reaching out for help, as well as being able to receive support from people who recognized when there's something not quite right. I ran across the short video below, of how one man explains his feelings of depression. I found it to be very interesting because he explained a lot of what I experienced once upon a time but was unable to put into words. However, I truly Thank God for the seasons constantly changing in my life & never remaining the same.

What is Depression?

October is depression awareness month.  Today’s information is shared from an article titled:  Depression , on the  World Health Organization’s  website.   What is Depression & what are the causes : According to the article, Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, it’s estimated that 5% of adults suffer from the disorder. It is characterized by persistent sadness and lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. It can also disturb sleep and appetite. Tiredness and poor concentration are common. Depression is a leading cause of disability around the world and contributes greatly to the global burden of disease. The effects of depression can be long-lasting or recurrent and can dramatically affect a person’s ability to function and live a rewarding life. The causes of depression include complex interactions between social, psychological, and biological factors. Life events such as childhood adversity, loss, and unempl...