Be TRUE to who YOU are called to be!!
Have you ever read the poem by Marianne Williamson called, " Our Deepest Fear "? If not, I would encourage you to find it and read it at least once! It inspired me back in 2006 the first time that I heard it while watching the movie, Akeelah and the Bee . At that time I decided to learn & commit it to memory because it spoke directly to ME! Today, I recite it aloud to remind myself of the extraordinary person that God's created me to be with all of my flaws, insecurities and idiosyncrasies. That poem was a part of my healing process whenever I needed to get past any insecure feelings that plagued my mind. I would quote it over and over until whatever negative feeling(s) I had, subsided. The reason I mentioned this poem is because I can relate to others who are sometimes down on themselves and need that boost, or 'pick me up'. This is one of my 'go tos', and if it can help someone break through negative thoughts about themselves, then it was well wo...