What doesn’t kill us makes us STRONGER!!

Like so many of us in life, we've experienced some type of adversity. It's not fun and we don't like it, but as we experience adversity, we're also experiencing growth. That might sound like an oxymoron but think about it. Think of a time where you fought and struggled so hard and thought that you would NEVER pull through. A time when you were in so much pain, (mentally & physically) that it was unbearable. It could have been a struggle in your health, your finances, your family, and even your faith. 

Situations in life sometimes take us through a gamut of dramatic emotions and leave us feeling like we're at our lowest point. It's even difficult sometimes to see how we can pull ourselves out of certain circumstances. Oftentimes we feel like we're not going to make it. We might have gained some bumps and scrapes and battle scars in the process, but inevitably, we often pull through those tough times and on the other side of the adversity... we've emerged Victoriously!  

In the midst of adversity we learn & grow through the process; we gain confidence & courage; we become comfortable sharing our gained knowledge to help others overcome; we know what NOT to repeat the next time; we have a good idea of how to deal with the pain if we had to experience it again; we gain more clarity; we're stronger mentally, and we know that not only does time heal all wounds, but we also know that we will persevere through it.       

There's always something to learn through adverse situations and I'm a firm believer that what does not kill me will always make me stronger... not just for ME, but for the benefit of others as well.


Mark Omega said…
This is good. This is helpful. Thanks
Missy J said…
This is so true. Been there, done that. It's so hard to believe things will get better when you're in the midst of your troubles. I had to tell myself that trouble don't last always. Having trust, strength and faith helped get me through my adversities. It can help others too. Hang in there!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thx Mark. Glad it was helpful to you.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Missy that is SO true! And with everything that we're experiencing in today's world, we've got to exercise that faith everyday to know that, this too shall pass. U hang in there too๐Ÿ’š
Unknown said…
I love your post as usual you uplift me. This post reminds me to speak to my storms and praise through them while leaning and depending on my Heavenly Father. Keep it up Ro for your words could be the very thing that brings us out. Thank you Father for my sister Rolanda. I’m so proud she is allowing you to use her.
StephaniecE said…
Definitely true! Going through now... But God! It hasn't killed me and I can feel the strength! Thanks Ro!! Gotta catch up with the blog!
Ms. Ro RED said…
To my UNKNOWN friend @ 9:28, Thank you for
your encouraging words as well.๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’š
Ms. Ro RED said…
THANK YOU as well StephaniecE for stopping by & catching up.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ˜Š
Stephanie E said…
Great post!
Stephanie E said…
What you said!!! All of it is true. My daily devotion on yesterday spoke about fear. MARK 6:50. Jesus said to them...don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here!!! Loved the song from Kirk Franklin. Thanks my sister! I need you as my life coach!!!
Stephanie E said…
You are on a roll!!! Confirmation!!!
Stephanie E said…
Had to post again. Trying to get in the habit of positive speaking.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Stephanie E... YES Ma'am!! You ARE loved!๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š
And I think it's GREAT that you've chosen to practice speaking more positively. It's definitely something to be mindful of in order to get in the habit of doing it.
Loving the blog girlie. I’m adamant about my being the person I am today
because of all the crap I’ve been through.
As much as it hurt, 99% of the things that happened
I wouldn’t change. Keep it up! I’m loving the content.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you Chrissy๐Ÿ˜˜ I too KNOW that I AM who I AM 2day because of all the CRAP I've been through as well๐Ÿ˜…... But IDK... If it was up 2 ME, I might have changed a 'few' things๐Ÿ˜‚ LOL! Good thing it wasn't up 2 ME!๐Ÿ˜…

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