911-Turning Trauma into Triumph

 On September 11th 2005, I was informed that I was having a Heart Attack. My entire life quickly changed in the blink of an eye. I didn't expect it and I definitely wasn't prepared for it! There were so many uncertainties at that time in my life. I really didn't even have time to digest the information that had been presented to me. Life as I knew it would quickly change and I would have to learn to adapt to a 'new norm'.

At that time, I could have chosen to become angry and ask, "WHY did this happen & WHY did it happen to ME?" Instead, I was very perplexed & confused and asked myself, "HOW did this happen"? I needed to know WHAT was the cause of this unwelcomed trauma that slithered into my life. I needed answers!!!

After taking time to reflect on the events leading up to the Heart Attack, I quickly discovered that there was an active role that I played in the occurrence of this Heart event. "WAIT"! "WHAT"?? Yup! There were things that I was not paying attention to as well as things that I was just totally unaware of because of a lack of knowledge about them.  

Since then, I've dedicated my time to become educated on the methods of prevention, the causes & symptoms, as well as the risk factors of Heart Attacks in Women. As a result of obtaining this knowledge, I always make sure to pay the information forward. My goal is to help change someone else's situation for the better. I want to help prevent Women from having to experience what I went through by providing Heart Health education to them. As I do this, I continue to grow in my acquisition of knowledge, and through this process, many people are able to benefit from it.
I'm still in awe of the fact that my traumatic event was orchestrated by the Creator who turned it into something triumphant that continues to benefit an infinite amount of people around the globe. I'd like to encourage each of you to use your trauma and turn it into someone else's triumph by sharing your stories and helping to encourage others through theirs. 


Valerie said…
Sometimes it takes the unimaginable to help us to realize our true strength and potential! These events can change us for the better!!
Ms. Ro RED said…
YES Ma'am Valerie, you are exactly right!
Anonymous said…
WoW...Amazing Rolanda. Yea, totally agree... We use our own experiences
To educate, help and inspire others. So glad I got to meet
You, happy and ♥️ healthy
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you my Friend💚💛💜

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