Waiting on AUGUST-My story of patience

In March of 2019, my beloved Cocker Spaniel, Mr. Charlie Wilson, died after being with me for about 13 years. Of course, I was extremely heartbroken. I loved that little Cocker Spaniel with his one of a kind personality. He knew me and I knew him well & we were accustomed to one another's ways. He always lavished me with unconditional love. He used to serenade me every time I pulled into my driveway from work and I could always count on a little 'song & dance' from Mr. Charlie when I came through the front door. I was often greeted with him jumping up on me and welcoming me back home. So needless to say, I truly miss his little sweet soul. 

After Charlie passed, I was offered a little 'bully' (that I never received). Truth be told, I wasn't ready to receive another dog at that time and it would have just been filling a void. Also, I really didn't want a bulldog. Maybe I never received him because God knew what I really wanted and needed. He knew that I would love that little bully but that the bully was not really what my heart desired. And I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I know that it was not meant for me to have that little bulldog. It was meant for me to wait on AUGUST.

My birthday is in the month of AUG and as a birthday present to myself, I felt that it was time for me to welcome another fur baby into my home. When I started the process of obtaining my puppy, I was told that he would be born in the month of August. Therefore, the name AUGUST was very befitting for him.  August, for me, represented a time of waiting and patience. I had to be still and wait on God's timing to send the right canine into my life, just like He did when Charlie Wilson graced my life with his sweet presence. 

During this waiting period, I had to get prepared mentally to receive another dog into my home and heart by preparing my mind, my patience & my finances. I've been learning new things about raising Cocker Spaniels that I might not have known before. I had even started purchasing items for August in early 2019. So he basically has everything he needs to live a comfortable life. I knew August was coming, I just didn't know when. 

I welcomed August into my home on Saturday, November 21st but he had already been welcomed into my heart back in September when I saw the very first picture of him as a newborn and then again in October when he first opened his eyes. At that time, I even shed a tear because he was so precious and I was anticipating the day that he would be mine. I patiently waited and as a result, I feel that August is the blessing that I've been waiting for.  

I read a great quote that came from dailyinspirationalquotes that summed up this post. It states:
The longer you wait for something the more you appreciate it when you get it, because anything worth having is definitely worth waiting for


Donna said…
Congratulations on receiving your new fur baby August! I'm so happy for you, but even more happy for August because I know he is going to have the best life possible in your care! Thank you for reminding us to wait on the Lord in all things in our lives!
Mark Omega said…
True. Thanks Rolanda.
Nick W. said…
This is an awesome message
Vette said…
Can’t wait to meet August❤️♥️❤️
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you DONNA🤗, MO🤗, NICK🤗, & VETTE🤗 for stopping by & taking the time to read.
Vette... Any time💜💛
Madonna Fauth said…
We love Auggie too let us know if he can come for a play date next week. Merry CHRISTmas is wanting to play.

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