Forgiving YOU with Compassion

As I was meditating the other day, I reflected back on conversations I’ve had in the past with Sistah’s who’ve felt ‘broken’ and beat down because of life’s experiences. One common denominator that I realized those Sistah’s struggled with was forgiving themselves for things that happened in their past. It could be things that they’ve done, or things that were done to them. Either way, the struggle was with, not forgiving themselves. 

I understood exactly how they felt because I too struggled with forgiving myself in the past. One day, a wise Lady brought to my attention that this was something I needed to do to free myself of past mistakes and hurts. She explained that I needed to extend compassion to myself and forgive, me. She further explained that people quite often fail to realize that Forgiveness is not just for us to extend to others, but that it’s also for us to extend to ourselves as well… with compassion

This made me stop in my tracks because I hadn’t thought about that until she dropped it on me that day. She helped me realize that we are not the things that we experience and that those are merely events that we lived through that made up the pages in our life’s book. However, as with any book that I’ve ever read, the story does not stay the same from page to page. Things change and so do people. None of us are perfect and we will continue making mistakes in our lives… it’s inevitable. Just remember that, in order for your healing to begin, you must remember to extend forgiveness to yourself.   

The song Deliver Me (This is my Exodus) by Donald Lawrence w/Le’Andria Johnson is a POWERFUL song. I was listening to it when this post came to mind. 


Catherine said…
I needed this. Thanks
Ms. Ro RED said…
You're welcome Sis
Anonymous said…
Why is it we as women can extend grace (getting what you don’t deserve- such as heaven) and mercy (not getting what we do deserve- such as eternal damnation ) to so many but not to ourselves? We are taught to be the glue that binds so many relationships together. Even glue can hardened and crack if put under the right circumstances. Let’s give ourselves some sweet grace in 2021. Pray to learn our lessons the first time from any given trial so as not to have to repeat them. You have become so wise in your years. I’m so glad God placed you in my life’s pathway.

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