
Showing posts from June, 2022

Health Benefits of Regular Exercise for Men

  So here we are in the last week of  Men’s health month . My hope is that I’ve been able to share useful information that helped you or someone else that needed it. I’d like to end the month by encouraging men to be mindful of their health and to always have their health on their minds. Today's message comes from the WEB MD website and speaks of 10 health benefits for men, related to regular exercise.  I’ve listed each of the benefits below. However, by clicking the link provided, you’ll receive detailed information on each of the tips: 10 Health Benefits of Regular Exercise for Men ( Exercise Health Benefit #-1           Lower cholesterol Exercise Health Benefit #-2          Lower triglycerides Exercise Health Benefit #-3          Lower risk of high blood pressure Exercise Health Benefit #-4     ...

Preparing for Medical Visits

  On behalf of Men's Health Month : I try to be prepared with information for my Physicians whenever I have a doctor’s appointment. There have been times when I've provided my doctors with a typed document that tells what’s been going on with me physically,  since my last visit . Yup! That’s just how I roll! LOL! They’re usually appreciative of the information provided. Heck! I can’t always remember everything that I intend to share with them during my visit, so it’s not just for their benefit, but mine as well.   I know that sometimes men are unprepared during their visits with the Dr. They might not ask the right questions & sometimes they don’t ask questions at all. I’ve had conversations with women who’ve accompanied their loved ones to their doctor’s visits, for these very reasons. I remember my sister and I accompanying my father & stepmother to one of his specialist's visits and me taking notes and asking questions on his behalf. You don’t have to be a...

The Manly Myths Quiz: The truth about Men’s health

  June is Men’s Health Month & within that month, the week of June 13 th -20 th  is  National Men’s Health Week ,  which leads up to Father’s Day . I thought it would be interesting this week, to share a quiz with men to help test their intelligence about health-related myths that they may have learned over the years.  You know… The narratives that usually have an unknown origin & have been passed down from generation to generation through storytelling . Well, as you know, myths are often “debunked” through research & investigation & WebMD has developed the  Manly Myths Quiz: The truth about Men’s health  that I think you’ll find interesting. I took the quiz myself and learned a few things.  😊  I scored 9 out of 12. Click the link below to try it out and see how many you can get correct.

Focusing on Men's Mental and Emotional Health

June is Men’s Health Month & this week I want to help encourage my brothers, nephews, uncles, cousins, friends & other male relatives to focus more on  supporting their mental health & well-being . I’ve included information from a piece on the  website, titled:  Men’s mental & emotional health . It focuses on some foundations for men’s physical & psychological health, using 11 quick points. Although this does not cover every aspect of men’s health, these are great areas to pay attention to: Get enough  sleep  daily; the CDC recommends the following by age group ( naps inclusive ): 12-18 hours from birth to 2 months, 14-15 hours from 3-11 months of age, 12-18 hours for 1-3 years of age, 11-13 hours for 3-5 years of age, 10-11 hours for 5-10 years of age, 8 1/2-9 1/2 hours for 10-17 years of age, and Those 18 and above need 7 to 9 hours of  sleep . Elderly men (commonly defined as 65 years of age or above in deve...

Dear Men: Preventive screenings can lead to early detection...

  In my younger years, I don’t remember my Dad visiting the doctor’s office as much as I remember the rest of the family having routine visits. As I got older, I noticed that some of my male friends didn’t always visit the doctor  when they needed to . They would sometimes wait until they could no longer deal with a medical issue and then decide that it was finally time to make an appointment to be seen.   This month I want to help encourage men, to start taking control of their health issues with the proper screenings and care. According to , on average, men are more reluctant  than  women , to go to the doctor. In fact, studies show that women go to the doctor twice as much as men.  To kick off the month of June in recognition of Men’s Health Awareness Month, I’m sharing an article with 10 essential health screenings for Men because preventive screenings can lead to early detection & healthier men.   10 Essenti...