Dear Men: Preventive screenings can lead to early detection...


In my younger years, I don’t remember my Dad visiting the doctor’s office as much as I remember the rest of the family having routine visits. As I got older, I noticed that some of my male friends didn’t always visit the doctor when they needed to. They would sometimes wait until they could no longer deal with a medical issue and then decide that it was finally time to make an appointment to be seen.  

This month I want to help encourage men, to start taking control of their health issues with the proper screenings and care. According to, on average, men are more reluctant than women, to go to the doctor. In fact, studies show that women go to the doctor twice as much as men. 

To kick off the month of June in recognition of Men’s Health Awareness Month, I’m sharing an article with 10 essential health screenings for Men because preventive screenings can lead to early detection & healthier men.  10 Essential Health Screenings for Men (


Unknown said…
Indeed! Men, get that early screening! Make an appointment to visit your primary care physician!! Do
Unknown said…
Indeed! Men, get that early screening! Make an appointment to visit your primary care physician!! Do it today!!

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