Last year on JAN the 19th my Dad Transitioned from this life. As a result of his transitioning, it forced a lot of our family dynamics to change. Today is the day that the Presidential transition takes place. The President-elect of the US will take over the administration from the incumbent president, signifying a transfer of power. Whenever this happens, there are always changes made by the President elect that we must adapt to. When we think about Transitional words or phrases, we know that they can be used to clarify the relationship between sentences. They often help one sentence move, or flow smoothly into another sentence.
In reference to my examples of Transitions, they all have one thing in common…MOVEMENT.
When I did a search for the word ‘Transition’, it was defined as a Movement, Passage, or Change from One Position to Another. This made me reflect on different transitional moments in my life and how there were times when I had to move even when I did not want or choose to. Sometimes I was forced to move. However, I realized that with each move, it brought about different changes, challenges and sometimes even new opportunities that I would never have experienced had I not moved. I’ve learned over the years that without there being constant moments of transition in my life, I remain stagnant. Therefore, I’ve come to realize that no matter how challenging it may be & no matter how comfortable I am with where I am, without movement I don’t grow.