
Showing posts from August, 2021

The power of compassion

I had a friend working on my laptop over the weekend. After several hours of working on it & getting it to function properly, I logged back into the laptop. I then turned around to get up from the chair & hit the cord attached to the laptop. I didn’t realize what happened until I heard the sound of the laptop hitting the floor. That’s when I discovered that the monitor was now acting strange. I could do nothing but sit there in TOTAL disbelief!!! I was literally at a loss for words and all I could utter was, “ O.M.G.!! I am SO sorry ”! YES!... It was an accident, but I felt terrible because he spent SO much time working to fix it. As terrible as I felt at that moment, I know that he had to be feeling, ‘ some kinda way’  himself because of the time he spent working on it. However, I must speak to the compassion that I felt was shown to me, by him.  I know it’s not always easy to show compassion to others in situations like that. I know that frustration is probably what ...

Protecting your Peace

  This week I’ve been decluttering my home. It’s amazing the number of things we accumulate over time that no longer serve a purpose for us. I had two piles:  Things to donate  and  things to throw away . At one time those things served a purpose in my home. However, I felt like they were now just taking up space and in the way. I’ve been telling myself for years that, “ I need to get rid of this or that. ..”  for whatever reason , but never really took the time to do it. However, once I did, I could either leave that space empty, or add something else in its place. Whatever the decision, the feeling of  releasing  the item was very liberating. It made me think about the people that we let linger in our lives whose season has passed. There’s nothing wrong with decluttering people from our lives, as we declutter,  things . Sometimes there are people in your orbit who no longer add value to your life, and you should have released them a long time ag...

Because it's essential!

  WHY take care of your mental health???   … Because it’s  essential ! We’ve heard that word used a lot in the past year and a half referencing the importance of certain workers being available to service the public. Workers like health care personnel, first responders, grocery store workers, and employees in other essential workplaces. These are the folks that we heavily rely on to care for our critical and necessary needs.  We! Need! Each! Other! To! Survive! We were not put on this earth to exist alone! In the same respect that people play a vital role in our survival, we also have a role to play in it as well. I believe that we too, have the responsibility to take the necessary steps in caring for ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. All these things collectively work together to ensure that we’re receiving the best overall care for our survival.  There’s been a lot of talk lately about Self Care, especially in the wake of Simone Biles withd...

We will not be ashamed or disgraced

  I was listening to a man the other day sharing a testimony about some things he did in his past that he was ashamed of. When he began talking about those experiences, he got choked up and had to pause to gather himself. He seemed to be experiencing the guilt, hurt and shame all over again even though he had worked through those issues. As I was listening to him, I thought about how powerful that emotion can be when we let it have power over us by continuing to accept responsibility for things that  we’ve already worked through and let go of . I thought about how shame has made me feel in the past. It has made me want to hide my internal struggles  that I dare not share with others  out of embarrassment and fear of being judged. Shame is a tormentor that’s been both mentally and physically toxic in my life. It causes us to feel exposed and then we begin worrying about what others think of us.  Or at least those are things that I’ve experienced before .  So...