Say Yes to Self Love


In the month of September, we learned that self-improvement is about challenging ourselves in new ways while working on our personal growth. As we diligently work on improving ourselves, we eventually become the person that we aspire to be. We adopt new & healthy habits & we make the changes in our lives that we want to see. It’s also a time to embrace self-love.


I’ve listened to self-improvement audio for years now. It was especially needed after the heart attack I experienced in 2005 because it seemed as if my self-esteem had taken a nosedive. Over the years, I’ve encountered many great speakers with helpful messages who’ve assisted me along my journey. However, Lisa Nichols was one of those influential speakers that helped to transform my situation with her messages. 

So, as we’ve reached the last week in September, discussing the subject of self-improvement, I wanted to share with you a video called: Say YES to self-love by Lisa Nichols. Listen when you can and hear her explain how we can improve ourselves by saying, YES to self-love.    

Say YES To Self Love - Lisa Nichols - Bing video


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