At some point in time, we've all had leftovers after a meal, and instead of throwing them out, we reused them because they still had value. Sometimes the leftovers tasted better the second time around because they had a chance to marinate in their own spices. You could even create a totally different dish than what the leftovers were originally created for.   

In contrast to the edible leftovers that we experience on our palets, there are times when we may think that the unpalatable situations we've experienced in our past, may disqualify us from achieving great things in our lives. However, it's quite the opposite. The leftovers from those events experienced in our lives are often used to create something that's in total contrast to what we could have ever asked for or even imagined. 

For me, God took a Heart Attack & turned it into a way of helping educate others about the importance of caring for their own heart health. On the other hand, your story and the power working inside of you that helps manifest that story would most likely produce a totally different outcome than mine. So never underestimate the remnants of the leftovers in your life's story because God does not waste a thing. EVERYTHING has a purpose! 

Ephesians 3:20:
Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.


Ms. Ro RED said…
You're welcome MO & VBoston.
Thx for stopping by.
D.Grandison said…
Amen to seeing God working in ALL situations and circumstances!!
Ms. Ro RED said…
YES Ma'am D.Grandison🤗

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