Monkey Wrenches Can Become Setbacks

According to the URBAN dictionary, a 'Monkey wrench' is an imaginary tool of sabotage, destruction, overthrow and mischief. We've all heard at some point in time where someone, (or WE ourselves), have made a statement similar to: "So-in-so threw a monkey wrench in my program". They were referencing the fact that someone interrupted their plans and those plans were unable to be manifested.

It's not always the case that someone else throws that monkey wrench in your program though. Truth be told, lots of times YOU are the one throwing that proverbial wrench yourself. Sabotaging our own plans can manifest itself in many different forms.

I can remember several times throughout my adult life when my plans were sabotaged... not by someone else, but by little ole' me!! Quite often those were times when I didn’t fully believe in myself or in my abilities. A lot of us can look back on times in our lives when we've experienced these times of unbelief. I'm sure that you can also think back to times when you experienced divine intervention stepping in on your behalf to intervene & send someone or something in your path to help give you that push that you needed to help propel you into your destiny.

Stop sabotaging your life! Begin thinking the right thoughts about yourself & be encouraged to continue propelling forward to reach your highest height(s). There's so much more that you're capable of doing, and there's so much more for you to do!


Mark Omega said…
This is Good!! Thanks for the motivation. You are helping.
Unknown said…
Wow...thanks for sharing. This was needed to give me the push I needed.
Ms. Ro RED said…
You're welcome Mark
Ms. Ro RED said…
Glad that this post was able to inspire you my friend (@ 7:17 a.m.)

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