On Monday OCT 12th 2020, I was reminded that a year ago on (10.12.19), I set out to complete the Murfreesboro Middle Half Marathon. However, I never got to complete that race because I experienced issues with my breathing that would prevent me from reaching the finish line. I felt really good that morning & was super excited about the race because it was a beautiful crisp fall morning and the weather was absolutely perfect for a race. It wasn't too hot or too cold. For me, it was JUST right! 

As I approached mile (4) I could tell that something was wrong with my breathing because I felt a shortness of breath and I began wheezing. Apparently, breathing in the cool October air through my nose & mouth while walking & running didn't agree with me. After I was examined by the Medics, they gave me the choice of finishing the race or being taken to the finish line. Of course, I chose to finish the race!! Well, between miles (4 & 5), I had to stop again for the same reason but this time I had someone take me to the finish line because the combination of the cool air, the walking, and the running still had me losing my breath.  

To say that I was upset is an understatement!!! OooWee!! I was "Hotter than Fish grease"! And YES! I WAS! ALL! UP! IN! MY! FEELINGS! I cried, I sulked & I even felt sorry for myself as I stood at the finish line with my face covered while cheering the other runners in. I wasn't angry at myself, however, because I showed up and I participated intending to finish the race! I was angry because I couldn't finish it, but I was also smart enough to STOP! I went to the Doctor a few days later & had tests run to see if anything was going on that I should be concerned with & everything came back normal. That was a relief! So now, on to the next! 

My next two races were in Orlando Florida at DISNEY in JAN 2020. I had a 5K & a half marathon to complete. I also had all kinds of crazy thoughts flying through my head but I had to get them under control because nothing was going to stop me from completing my DISNEY races! That meant that I had to do some serious training to ensure that what happened to me in Murfreesboro, didn't happen in Orlando! I believe I trained harder between OCT and JAN than I've ever trained for anything before. I was determined to redeem myself at DISNEY! 

I got through both races with flying colors but at the LAST MILE of my half marathon, I began wheezing! WHAT?? I COULD! NOT! BELIEVE... what was happening! I had to calm myself, slow my pace, catch my breath & refocus on my goal. At that point, I didn't care about my 'race time'. My focus was on finishing the race! I believe it was a combination of anxiety, stress & the eagerness to cross that finish line! I'm happy to say that "I did it"! I crossed the finish line and even shaved off about 40 minutes from my last race back in APRIL of 2019 (that I actually got to complete). Oh yeah, I did visit the Medic tent to get checked out. Again, I was fine. I had just worked myself up. 

This experience taught me to remember that life sometimes throws us a curveball that feels more like a SuckerPunch!! It's our choice to either stay down and wallow in our pain, or we can let our 'why'... our intended goal, motivate us to get back up and conquer that hurdle to anticipate a greater outcome. I love the words of motivational speaker Les Brown who says: When life knocks you down, try to land on your back because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.


Mark Omega said…
Gotta get back Up!! Thanks Rolanda!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thx 4 stopping by & reading MO
Nick said…
Awesome stuff
Ms. Ro RED said…
Nick, it was a pretty Awesome experience🤗
Vette said…
Go Ro, we have to get up and go because nothing is going to keep us down.♥️♥️♥️
Ms. Ro RED said…
Vette! You got that right! Adversity is all around us but we can't let it stop our progress 🤜🤛 We GOTTA keep movin!!
Mrs. B said…
Perseverance! It's all about Perseverance!! If at once I don't succeed, try,try again and again and again!!!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Yes Ma'am Mrs. B!!😊
I always say your mental toughness is the key to life. Our mind will shut our body down if it feels overwhelmed. That’s exactly why I love Les Brown’s saying Tough times don’t last, Tough people do! Keep doing your thang thang girlie!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you Chrissy😘 And YES! I'm always inspired by Les Brown.

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