Let it GO!


As I look back over my life and think about the things that I’ve experienced, I acknowledge that the good definitely outweighs the bad. And those not so positive experiences have shaped me into the person that you know today. However, I realize that nothing occurs by ‘happenstance’, but that the events in our lives were all predestined and I believe that it’s up to each of us to determine how to use those situations to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.   

I can truly say that MY experiences have helped me become more resilient than I would have ever imagined myself to be. I’ve matured, I’m wiser, I’m more cautious with my heart, and most importantly, I’ve learned how essential it is to forgive myself and others, so that I can move forward and not stay stuck in those spaces in time. 

I’ve forgiven ME for choices that I’ve made in my past. I’ve had to forgive myself for things that I was an active and willing participant in. I’ve forgiven people who’ve taken advantage of my youth and people who’ve taken advantage of me as an adult. 

I’ve shared this before, but it bears repeating… Forgiveness is not for the sake of others. Forgiveness is for YOU…for ME… for US to benefit from, even when we forgive ourselves. It helps free our minds from those debilitating thoughts that fester and keep us enraged by things long gone from our past. To experience true freedom, there comes a point when we must ask ourselves, “Has holding onto this, benefited me”? If the answer is a resounding, “NO”, then release it & LET IT GO! Life is way too short to continue holding onto the past and letting it maintain power over your future.


Vette said…
Thank you for this reminder. ❤️💕
Ms. Ro RED said…
YW Cuzin😘It's a reminder for me too❤
K Booker said…
Let go and let God!

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