You are NOT in control!

We are NOT in control of everything that LIFE presents to us!  However, we CAN control how we act &/or react to those situations that are placed in our paths. We can either choose to get upset, sulk, & stay in that funk, or we can choose to use that same energy we spend on worrying & being upset, & give it over to God to handle.

I was presented with an issue this week that would have had me stressed out the entire week... once upon a time. It seemed that everything I tried & every corner that I turned, presented a dead end for me. What I had to remember once again... was that I was NOT in control!! 

I was struggling to figure it out on my own but once I came to my senses & decided to give it to God, that's when everything started falling in place.🤷🏾 God was just waiting for me to stop being a 'control freak' so that He could work it out for me.🤦🏾😁#LessonLearned


lady2of5 said…
Thank you for the reminder that my Response is responsibility. WWJD? What would JESUS Do😊? Give control to OUR FATHER.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Yes Lady2of5... Give control to the Father.
Stephanie Ellis said…
Girl, what you said! That's the thing I've been consciously working on...letting go and letting God! It has been a struggle, but the more I do it, the easier it gets!!! #Faithwalk#

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