Conquering "That Thing"


At the beginning of the summer, I had to have a long conversation with three people: Me, Myself and I

As the three of us were dealing with a certain situation, one part of me wanted to serve as the voice of reason. Another part of me wanted to stay angry and felt like cussin’. Hey… as my stepmother says, “tell the truth and shame the devil”. LOL! I ended up not giving into the unruly part of me because the part that was searching for solutions to the problem, and working with the voice of reason, reminded my nonsubmissive self that we decided back in January of this year, that we were going to be mindful of the things that we say... especially when provoked to anger

Truth be told, I’ve put in a lot of work over this past year to calm certain impulsivities. Now, don’t get me wrong, she doesn’t show up often… but I wanted to make sure that if she does show up again, she’ll be better equipped to handle challenging situations more suitable than she has in the past. Hey…. don’t judge me, because we all have things that we’re working on improving about ourselves, and it's O.K. We’re not perfect beings, we slip up, and we will continue to make mistakes as long as we live. We just have to be intentional about making conscious efforts to become better people than we were the day before… We take it one day at a time and eventually, with consistency and determination, we’ve conquered that thing… whatever that thing is for you. 


Treece said…
Mrs. B said…
That thing, that thing, that thing-ng ng...we MUST learn to deal with it!!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Say it like Lauren Hill Mrs. B 🤗
YESsss! Gotta learn to deal with it!

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