We’ve heard people refer to their lives as being an open book. We’ve also heard them talk about a new chapter in their lives, in reference to them turning another year older. Truth be told, our lives do resemble a book and everybody’s stories are truly unique and different in relation to who they are and what their experiences in life have been. Each day that we’re blessed to live another day, is like a new page in our life book that’s being written about us.

Have you ever wondered how your book will read and what kind of stories the days of your life will tell about you? When you get to the end of your life, what kind of book will your life show that you’ve lived? Will it be a romance novel, a horror story, a book of little or big white lies, a book that encourages and uplifts others, a book of fiction, a tragicomedy… or a little bit of each?

None of us really knows how our stories will end until we get to the end of the story. If that’s the case, we should strive to live our best lives now... The type of lives that we would be proud to share with others, regardless of the roads that we’ve had to travel. Our life stories should create the type of book that can be passed onto our children’s children, for years to come. Our stories should help encourage and inspire others. People should be able to learn from the good, the bad, the challenging, and the sad days that we’ve encountered, and like with any other good book, be able to somehow benefit from the telling of our stories.


ALCarter said…
Beautifully written
Ms. Ro RED said…
TY ALCarter🤗 & TY MO🤗
Mrs. B said…
Great words to think about Ro. Love it!
This is my story. This is my song. I'm praising my savior ALL the day long!

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