Working out to Relieve Stress


I can remember a time in my life when I experienced a steady flow of self-induced stress. At that time, I didn’t realize that it was within my power to change that and that I was the one placing the pressure on myself. I’ve since learned that there are many ways to release stress from our lives. For me, working out is one of the best stress relievers. Although, it might not be for you, and your method might be totally different from mine.  

One of my favorite workouts is using the punching bag. It does wonders to help release whatever’s bothering me. When I’m punching it, I can project my frustrations onto the bag, and it seems as if I can feel the stress leaving my body right away. If you don’t already have a method that you use, do some research, and find what works best for you.

Below is the link to an informative article on the American Stroke Association’s website with a great piece on Working out to relieve stress. It shares some benefits of incorporating more movement in our lives and it also talks about the effect that chronic stress can have on the body and how that can lead to anxiety and depression.

Working Out to Relieve Stress | American Stroke Association


vBOSSton said…
Good info. Thanks
Ms. Ro RED said…



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