“My struggle IS real & it’s been an emotional roller coaster at times.” When I was hosting, ‘The Beat Goes On’ radio show from 2014-2018, I would often reference, ‘The Struggle being REAL’ in reference to my weight and physical health. What I didn’t realize at the time was that those challenges didn’t deal with my physical health , like I thought . Instead, I finally had an epiphany & realized that the ‘ Struggle ’ I often spoke of, had more to do with my Mental Health than it did anything else! Conversations about Mental Health are not often referenced in a positive light, which is why many people have a hard time seeking the needed help to maintain a healthy mental balance in life . Along my journey, I’ve struggled with battles that would plague my mind about my health and well-being. I would accept, receive and believe all the negative & judgmental thoughts, the scrutiny, the demeaning words, the ‘put downs’, & the ugly criticisms that oftentimes ran amu...