Things we do because of Depression…
October is depression awareness month & listed below are 10 things that depression makes us do (explained in a short video). As shared in the video, depression is a sneaky mental disorder that’s difficult to catch in the early stages. It’s often recognized after we’re already engulfed in it.
One time when I was experiencing depression, I had no idea how I got to that place in my mind, but I was there and recognized that there was definitely something wrong. I knew that was not a place that I desired to be and found myself doing things that were out of the ordinary for my character. Below are a few of the things that I experienced...
10 Things Depression Makes Us Do - YouTube
-Isolating yourself
-Being disorganized
-Poor hygiene
-Struggling with sleep
-Catastrophizing every situation
-Terrible eating habits
-Lack of motivation
-Evading your problems
-Feeling guilty & feeling self-hatred
-Living in fear
Then into college, w/ my learning disabilities fighting to pass my classes. Then into adulthood as I suffered a life altering injury at the age of 35. Chronic pain is a thief. A thief of so many things. Physical limitations due to your pain, weight gain resulting from limited physical activity, inability to perform hobbies like gardening, lawn work, for 3 years i souls t even lean over the sink to brush my teeth, tie my shoes. Ever tried simply eating a meal WITHOUT leaning into or over your plate, even the slightest lean would send fireworks from the back of my neck all the way down my right leg. Although I have seen some improvement, even after 25 years, daily life is challenging. So depression is well known to me. I call it “my dark place” and use phrases like “when I’m in my dark place” during the times “I’m in my dark place”. I have experienced many of the same things you have mentioned. I am a Christ follower and credit Him w/ still being alive. There was a few years I was taking oral medication in the form a serotonin reuptake medication. As I leaned to deal w/ “my dark place” better I have not felt the need to restart that medication. One of the most important things I have learned is that we have serotonin produced in our small intestine. SO IT IS VITAL to take care of your GUT. Most ppl don’t realize this and only address it in the brain. Just something to think about.