
We just came out of the season of Thanksgiving and we still have much to be thankful for in spite of everything that we've seen and/or experienced this year. Throughout this time of Covid, I've kept a gratitude journal to remember all the things that I'm grateful for during this season. I knew that I wouldn't remember them all because of the way that time seems to be speeding by. One thing that I've embraced this year, that I might have taken for granted in years past, is just how fast time does fly and how we cannot get it back once it's gone

As I reviewed my gratitude list, I was actually amazed at the number of things I had documented and that I considered to be a blessing. Some of them smaller than others, but still blessings none-the-less. So, in spite of this global pandemic that the world is presently experiencing, I'm thankful for those things both big and small, that I might not have ever paid attention to before. 

I don't want to ever forget how precious life is and the things that make it what it is. Therefore, I will continue documenting my blessings so that I can periodically go back and be reminded of God's blessings even in the time of a Global Pandemic.


Mark Omega said…
Cool. Thanks Rolanda.
Anonymous said…
How disciplined of you. Continue the great job at your life.
Ms. Ro RED said…
TY @ 8:06pm🤗

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