Cherishing The Memories

This past Sunday was the first of many birthdays that I no longer get to celebrate with my Dad. Even though we won't get to share any more of his birthdays on this side of Heaven, I'm so appreciative of the many times that I did get to spend with him. He was a great Dad in my eyes and I absolutely adored him. Now, was he perfect? Of course not. None of us are. BUT... he was the perfect Dad for ME and I'm extremely GRATEFUL that God chose Him for me. 

My Dad would give the shirt off his back if he knew that you were in need of it. He was just that kind of guy. I was told by family members how he helped them through hard trials and how he even blessed several of his nieces & nephews to have Christmas presents when times were challenging for their parents. 

As I write this, and each time that I leave it and come back to it, I tear up. Not only do I tear up, sometimes I get to the point where I have to stop, dry my eyes, blow my nose and regroup because I realize that I can no longer call and talk to him or even go to visit or see him. 
I'll miss seeing his beautiful, warm, and welcoming smile that used to greet me whenever I was in his presence. He was the type of person who always made people feel comfortable being around him because of his calm and gentle demeanor. Lord knows that I'm gonna truly miss his sweet spirit. I share those fond memories of my Dad because aside from old photos, all I have to remember him by now are the memories. 

I do understand how extremely challenging the holiday season, birthdays, anniversaries & other special occasions can be for people, without their loved ones here to share it with them. It can be difficult, but one thing I know about my Dad is that he would definitely want us to continue our celebrations and traditions in his absence. So for my friends and family members who find themselves missing a loved one, be encouraged. Find what works best for you & do that. For me, it's always cherishing the memories


Cat said…
Awesome! Mr. P was the coolest and nicest man in Amityville!! May his memory forever live on!
Great & encouraging words to live by Shero!!
Michelle said…
What an awesome testament of your Dad. My experience was different with my Dad not living with me as a child. But we developed a relationship as I got much older. We would talk for hours on the phone about everything he read in the newspaper. Sundays became our special uninterrupted conversations. He passed 6 years ago, of Lung Cancer, and his birthday was November 29th. I still think of him daily and wish he was for me now as I embrace my new normal as a Caregiver for my mom. Remember the small things it matters most. Stormin Norman
Ms. Ro RED said…
L❤VE that Michelle & I'm so glad that you got the opportunity to have a relationship with your DadπŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™
Cheryl G said…
Thank you so much for this reading it i welled up a bit and got that darn lump in my throat...not so much for sadness but knowing many of us are walking this journey without our parents and how blessed we are for the time we did have. My daddy who's in heaven has a birthday on the 12th so I send you love and hugs I so understand- Cheryl G
Ms. Ro RED said…
Cheryl, I know you understand Sis πŸ’›πŸ˜˜πŸ’œπŸ˜˜πŸ’š

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