Rising Higher!

I try to surround myself with good people who generally strive to do the right things. However, I am realistic and acknowledge the fact that we're all human, we all have our good and our bad days, & we don't always make the right decisions 100% of the time. 

As I've reflected on things that I've seen happening in the world today, I'm reminded that being nice & respectful & cordial & grateful & kind towards others, is definitely a choice, even in the face of opposition. Although, it's sad to say that we've seen a lot of the opposite happening this year. 

One thing that I'm always reminded of is that life is about making a bunch of choices. We get to choose how we treat and how we talk to others. It's a choice to be nice just as it's a choice to be nasty. As often as I can, I treat people the way that I want to be treated myself. And YES I do understand that sometimes people seem to just be unloveable & live to cause strife!  

Sometimes it's challenging to acknowledge that even though they 'choose nasty' as a character trait, I don't have to fall in line with their negative behaviors and I can always choose to rise higher.  And YUP, I know... it's easier said than done. That's why I try to be intentional about keeping the Obama's family motto playing in the back of my head because as Michelle Obama so eloquently puts it, "When people are cruel or act like bullies, you don't stoop to their level". So now when I encounter people like this, I remember the infamous words of Mrs. Obama when she said, "When they go low, we go high". 


vBOSSton said…
Well said 😉
Bubbaship said…
So that’s why he have been good friends for over 30 plus years because i inspired you to what’s right! lol I really needed to see this post. I try to do what’s right the majority. But sometimes and often, that is taken as a sign of weakness. Once you have awakened the gentle giant, then deal with the consequences!

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