Seasons change and so should we:

 Ecclesiastes 3:1… For everything there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven…

Sometimes when it feels like we’re bearing the weight of the world on our shoulders, it can seem as if whatever we’re facing at that moment is never going to change. We feel like we’re stuck and don’t really know how to move from that place. There have been times in my life when I’ve stayed in difficult seasons longer than I should have because I didn’t quite understand how to navigate through them. However, once I passed through those trying times, I found myself in a better place mentally & spiritually because of the transformation that took place within.

As we move through these transforming times, we understand that change is inevitable and it’s absolutely necessary for our advancement. Times change, people change, circumstances change. Change is all around us and it’s never ending. Sometimes it’s intentional and other times we have no control over it. Change almost always brings about new experiences in our lives. On the other hand, when we resist it, change can become difficult to deal with. Therefore, it’s imperative that we’re more accepting of change because the more we embrace it, the easier it becomes to digest.  

I’ve heard people talk about wanting to get back to, “normal”. However, when you think about the changes that have transpired over the past year, “normal” is not something that we’ll get back to as we once knew it to be. Eventually we’ll all adapt to our ‘new norms’ on the other side of this infamous pandemic that’s totally disrupted our world. However, now comes the moment of truth when we must stop, reflect and truthfully ask ourselves: “Am I willing to change in this season” and if so, “What can I do to help contribute to these ever changing times”?


You can't spell CHALLENGE without Change!
Mrs. B said…
Seasons change and so should we. AMEN!!

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