Your Talents are Gifts that benefit others

When I think of a gift, I think of something given to me that I’m not expecting to receive. When I think of a Talent, I think of a skill or a natural ability that I possess. I do understand that all my Talents are gifts from God.

Sometimes people are surprised when others acknowledge their talents. I’ve even heard people minimize the effectiveness that their talent(s) might have in another person’s life. I believe that when we embrace and begin to nurture our talents, that’s when we start to fully appreciate and become comfortable sharing them with the world and that’s when the world benefits. I’m sure that we’ve all had talents that sometimes go unnoticed because we’ve not taken the time to develop them. The beauty in each of us is that we all have something uniquely different to offer the world no matter how small or insignificant we may think it is. Just remember that when we share that little piece of ourselves, it could be a game changer in someone else’s world.  

I recently read a quote by Leo Buscaglia which stated: “Your Talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God”.


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