Feelings of Inferiority

The other day I was reflecting on something that used to stifle my growth. It’s something that I see a lot of people struggle with today. It’s feelings of inferiority. When I see people living this way, it deeply saddens me because I understand what they’re going through. As I researched this subject, I read where the complexes of inferiority that we face come from three main areas: worry, guilt and anger.

I learned that when we worry, that’s what brings on feelings of inadequacy. We can then become paralyzed by our own fears and start developing feelings of inferiority. Worrying was one of the complexes that I struggled with for so long and guilt was another. I read where people begin to wonder if something is wrong with them when they feel guilty for their actions or attitudes. When I read that statement, it sounded crazy to me but that’s exactly how I used to feel, so I know that feeling firsthand. Then there was anger. The example provided was of someone being unable to express themselves and as a result, developing feelings of inferiority because they felt inadequate. *Raising my hand* because again, that was me!

I don’t know why this subject randomly popped in my mind the other day but when it did, I realized those were all things that I’ve experienced and I know others have or are presently struggling with these things now. Heck! Sometimes I still hafta check myself when those thoughts try to creep back in my head. I understand now that I was defeating myself as I measured my worth by my performance (or lack thereof) and on top of that, I was also comparing myself against others. I know… It sounds crazy but… that was my reality. However, for me to move past those feelings, I had to start confirming, and begin affirming what God says about me in His word. I had to start believing in my heart that I was more than what I allowed myself to believe I was. He even confirmed it in His word: Job 13:2 What you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you… “Whomp! There it IS… right there in the bible”! 😊 I’m reminded that God is no respecter of persons and that I AM just as important to Him as anyone else is.


Ms. Ro RED said…
Thx 4 stopping by Mark.
Cheryl G said…
Thank you for this platform and your insight...I've learned God's word always overrides what the world says...it was and is a continued process
Cheryl G
Ms. Ro RED said…
Cheryl, I can 'SO' feel you on that one Sis. And YES! It most certainly IS a continued process.🤗
Mrs. B said…
You is kind! You is smart! You is important.���������� ("The Help" quote).
Ms. Ro RED said…
Mrs. B... That was a great movie & I loved it every time they spoke those words🤗

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