My Grandfather’s Garden


When I was a little girl, I can remember the garden that my Grandfather grew in his backyard. It was a massive garden that had rows and rows of mostly vegetables and some fruit. He was the only gardener that I had ever encountered. When we visited our Grandparents, we always had fresh fruit & vegetables and a home cooked meal because my Grandmother was one of the best cooks that I had the pleasure of learning my culinary skills from. Of course, my Mother is the other. 😊


Thinking back on my Grandfather tending to his garden, I can now appreciate the importance of the steps he had to take for his garden to grow. He had to plant his seeds at the right time, cultivate the soil, fertilize the land… and whatever else he had to produce this bountiful harvest annually. He never rushed it… he always took his sweet time to nurture that garden and it never failed to reap great benefits for him, and us as well because we were the beneficiaries of it. Gardening came so natural for him. He cared for that garden like he was caring for a baby and he enjoyed every moment of it.


In a sense, I can see the contrast of growing our dreams, to the process of growing that garden. We take extra special care to nurture the things that are important to us. I believe that our dreams are special thoughts planted in our minds and our hearts and when the time is right for them to be manifested, we care for them as we would anything else of importance to us. Just like my Grandfather’s garden, I’ve learned that our dreams need to be bigger than what we can accomplish on our own. Along the path to obtaining our dreams, we may experience some challenges. We should view those challenges as the proverbial weeds that must be pruned away for us to continue growing. The benefits will far outweigh the obstacles and it’ll be well worth the time it took to accomplish, just like the time & care that my Grandfather gave to his garden.


Anonymous said…
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thx for stopping by my friend @7:38🤗🤗
Missy J said…
Daddy's garden was like that and I had the honor of helping him tend to it from time to time. It was also convenient for mother to tell us to go out back and grab her a tomato or whatever vegetable she needed to cook dinner. This is a great analogy on life and because I experienced it personally it makes dealing with like's challenges easier and clearer. Thanks for sharing
Melissa B. said…
I remember as a child working in the garden with my grandparents. What wonderful memories those were! Thanks for sharing. ❤️
Ms. Ro RED said…
@Missy J, I didn't know y'all had a garden. And YES! How convenient it was to go & pick a nice juicy tomato from the garden instead of having to run to the store🤗
Ms. Ro RED said…
@Melissa B, I remember being in my grandfather's garden with him and being so intreagued with how big it was. I wonder if I would even have the patience to tend to a garden as grand as his. Such great memories🤗🤗

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