Un/Healthy Relationships

Have you ever heard the saying, “Tell the truth and shame the devil”! LOL! Well, here’s one of my truths: I’ve struggled with being in a negative relationship for years. It’s true! What’s comforting for me though, is knowing that I’m not the only person who’s experienced this before. I truly understand the struggle of trying to break away from something that’s so familiar, yet, also not good for me at the same time. I would tell myself a thousand times over that I’m going to do this… I’m going to break away and make this happen


I would then find myself falling right back into the hands of complacency. Why was I doing that? Why did it seem so hard? I believe it’s because deep down I knew the first thing I really needed to work on to move past this situation, was the way that I thought about it. I had to ask myself a few questions like: Do I really want to experience being in a healthy relationship… What would that even feel like…. How important is it for me to do this for my mental and physical health…How long have I even been here in this space?? What’s crazy is that I knew the benefits would positively be life changing! One would think that answering those questions would be easy. However, as I fell back into the same cycle over and over, it was difficult for me to see a light at the end of the tunnel. However, I’m a fighter and I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Knowing that I didn’t have to rely on my own strength was comfort enough!


When people think about relationships, they usually think about family relations, friendships, or even romantic relationships. Well, I’m not even talking about any of those. I’ve struggled with an unhealthy relationship for years with food! There are times that I would restrict myself from eating something and other times when I would overindulge. I’ve been on countless fad diets and lost weight on some, but quickly gained it all back, with more! It kept me on an emotional rollercoaster. Gosh! I’ve experienced a gamut of emotions like disappointment, humiliation, guilt, stress, sadness, anger, and even shame, to name a few. I’ve even asked myself, “How and Why am I letting something that I have control over, contribute to me not being as healthy as I desire to be? 


Well, I’ve discovered that just like being in an unhealthy relationship with people, food was no different for me. I understand now that people must get to the point where, “enough is enough”. I also had to realize that even though I’ve fallen off the wagon multiple times, I’m still a FIGHTER and I’m not giving up on ME! So Yeah! I might stumble and fall again, but I wholeheartedly believe that anything worth having, (like my health & a healthy relationship with food), is worth fighting for!!!


Ms. Ro RED said…
You're welcome Mark.O🤗
Unknown said…
Right on time for me. I'm feeling some of the same things. But moving on. Thanks for the motivation.
Ms. Ro RED said…
You're welcome my friend @ 8:45... Keep pushing forward!🤗

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