Learning to Laugh at ourselves


Ever have one of those days that you’ll NEVER forget? I can think of a few, but the other day one popped into my mind and I have NO idea why. I guess God figured I needed a laugh at that moment because I was reminded of my very first day of High school. I wore a skirt and I had a slip underneath it… (because that’s what we did back in the day, we wore slips so that nothing was showing underneath that skirt). Anyway, we were between classes and the hallways bustled with students trying to make it to their next class on time. I remember I was getting ready to pass in front of the Nurse’s office when suddenly, the unimaginable happened in that crowded hallway. 

That bad boy slipped right off my hips… (pun intended) and found its way around my ankles as I walked down the hall. O! M! G! Thank the Lord those were the days before cell phones, cameras, and social media. I’m sure I was thinking, “What tha”... as I used my Ninja skills to duck into the nurse’s office as fast as I could, without being seen. I tucked myself into a little corner and stepped “right on up outta that mug” then buried it deep in the depths of my purse. I walked out of the nurse’s office as fast as I ducked into it and kept on struttin’ down that hallway to the lunchroom with none the wiser. LOL!

That memory made me chuckle as I then began remembering times as an adult when I’ve had to call on those same Ninja skills.😂  When I thought of those instances, I laughed at myself because those were absolutely hilarious moments that mostly occurred in the presence of others. Every time I think about them, they make me laugh as if the incident had just occurred. It’s a good thing that I don’t get embarrassed easily. I believe those thoughts came back to remind me not to take life so seriously and that it’s healthy for us to laugh at ourselves. 

I recently saw an awesome quote that I wanna share by RuPaul, that summed up those moments for me. WHAT? Yup, I’m quoting RuPaul now. LOL! Seriously though he said something that’s so befitting about the way in which we should think about life. He said, “Don’t take life so seriously and have fun”. He followed that up with, “Don’t waste your time on things that your ego will try and convince you are important”.


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