There’s STRENGTH in our vulnerabilities:

I heard the broadcast journalist Robin Roberts say the other day, “When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, you’re showing a strength, not a weakness… and people see that and will thank you for it”.  I never used to see vulnerabilities or struggles as being a strength and I would ertainly hide mine from others. I realize that lots of people deal with their own struggles and don’t often want others to know what those struggles are. Sometimes we even go to great lengths to hide or mask those conflicts. I know I’ve done that for sure!!  **RAISING MY HANDS** However, I’ve come to realize that by sharing my adversities through the use of this blog, and being transparent with the information provided, it not only serves as a release for me, but I’m grateful for the fact that it has also served to inspire others as well.  

When I started this blog, I felt it was basically a way for me to get things off my chest… or out of my head. For me, it was more like writing in a journal, although public… that allowed me to rid the lingering thoughts that danced around in my mind, and get them down on paper to help give me clarity. Since I’ve been ‘journaling’, or blogging, I can honestly say that I’ve been able to think a lot clearer these days and I’m encouraged by the fact that others are actually benefiting, in their own way, from my words as well. So, as I reflect on the words of Robin Roberts, I’m now deeply humbled by the fact that people see my vulnerabilities as one of my strengths. Through text messages, blog responses, social media feedback, and even phone calls, they’ve thanked me for my willingness to share my truth with transparency, and I THANK them for encouraging me to continue doing so.  



Nicholas W said…
Awesome insight
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thank you Nick🤗

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