Relaxing the mind


How do you relax your mind? There are many creative ways to do this.  


Recently I’ve discovered that moving thoughts from my mind to paper is a great way for me to clear out things that have lain dormant for years. They can be good or bad thoughts but getting them on paper and out of my head, helps clear up space for me to reflect on other things. It’s a way for me to journal, share ideas, and at times help to inspire others.


Writing for me has served as a natural memory booster, and has assisted me in recalling things that might have gotten misplaced in my thoughts over the years. It has also helped to improve my creativity & vision. It has even helped to quiet that internal dialogue/chatter that used to play often. This for me is calming and this is what helps me to relax. 


So again, I ask… How do you relax your mind? Find what works for you & do THAT thing.


I like you am a writer. It purges my brain & keeps me sane……..somewhat. Hahaha
Venus said…
I typically will meditate to calm my mind especially before I go to bed. I might try writing things down too. Good idea.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Hey Chrissy, I feel ya on that!😊
Ms. Ro RED said…
Venus, practicing Mindfulness is also a great way for me to calm my mind as well.😊
Mrs. B said…
Writing is a good release! It won't work for all. But, as you said, we must find our own release. Nice thoughts!

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