Discovering the Purpose through the Process


I remember years ago when I was trying to discover what my purposein life was. I would always hear people talk about having a purpose, and it became so frustrating for me because I had no idea what my purpose could be. I was so focused on me…me… me… that I wasn’t thinking about what I could do to be of service to others. Here’s the crazy part… Once I took the focus off myself, that’s when things started presenting themselves to me. “Go figure”! 😊

I was searching outside of myself, to find what my purpose could be. However, when I began to search within, embrace, and focus on the events that were already occurring in my life, (or those that had occurred in the past), I was able to use those instances to help define my purpose. Once I began figuring out ways to use those circumstances, the self-induced pressure that I put on myself, began to lift off me. 

I didn’t start off doing anything big. In fact, I took baby steps and kept walking in the direction of my purpose, without even knowing that I was doing so. There was consistent movement on my part, and I was always doing and learning something new along the way. I’ve now come to understand that on the road to discovering and stepping into our purposes, our mindsets and our actions will also transform and mature, to keep up with the person that we are becoming through the process. 


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