Forced to start over

We can be in a good space and everything seems to be moving in the right direction for us when something changes and forces us to have to re-evaluate our lives. Sometimes these changes are choices that we make, and other times they’re situations totally outside our control.  

Over the weekend, savage storms tore through the Southeastern region of the United States, causing massive damage and loss of life. As some people were being interviewed on the news, they talked about how they lost everything and would have to start over. Even though they were sad and upset about what had occurred, they were also very grateful as well and at times, their gratitude seemed to overshadow their grief.  

Their stories have been both heartbreaking and inspiring as well. Heartbreaking because of the loss that they’ve endured. Some lost family members, friends, neighbors, pets, and possessions. And on the other hand, their stories have also been inspiring because of their resilience, tenacity, and will to bounce back. 

There will be times in our lives when we’re forced to start over for one reason or another. It’s just a matter of time. When that time comes, (and it will come), we can take a lesson from these folks on how to continue holding our heads high and acknowledging our gratefulness amid the confusion that surrounds us.  


Ree said…
Great reflection. Thanks for posting! Ree
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thx for stopping by Ree🤗
Cindy said…
Beautifully stated. Thank you❣️
Valerie Handy said…
Lord yes…. Life truly has a way of making us reassess, change course, and redirect our lives!! I often think about one of my favorite songs…Everything Must Change, Nothing Stays The Same! Thanks Ro for continuing to provide inspiration, guidance and knowledge! You are indeed a blessing!!
Starting over or starting again allows you to do it how you want to the second, third, or how many ever times you need. ❤
Ms. Ro RED said…
You are SO right! Life does have a way of making us reassess🤗
And TY😘
Ms. Ro RED said…
I love the way you think🤗 We can always reinvent ourselves❤

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