Staying Open for Unimaginable Options


My brother and I had a great conversation the other day about events in his past that brought him to where he is in life today. There were some things that he’s had to endure in life, (just like we’ve all had to at some point in time), that helped change his mind about his future. In fact, his focus was mainly on music, with absolutely no glimpse and/or interest of the medical profession in view anywhere!! However, since he’s ventured into this profession, he continues to rise higher and higher and is always interested in learning where this field can take him next. I continue to be impressed at the way in which he challenges himself to rise higher from one area of the medical profession to another. Needless to say, he never imagined that he would ever be doing what he’s doing today… and absolutely loving it!!!

Well, if we don’t realize anything else, we understand that there will be a time when we too will receive that wake-up call that’ll inform us that it might be beneficial for us to investigate a different career path. At that point, we’ll have one of two options: We can choose to stay where we are and never experience anything different, or we can pay attention and remain open to those signs that are propelling us to head in a totally different direction. We’ll either decide to fall forward and have faith that whatever the outcome, it’s bound to take us far beyond where our limitations are holding us captive. Heck! We might even like it and decide to pursue things we’ve always admired in others but never thought imaginable… for ourselves.

Oh yeah…. in addition to the music, that will always be my brother’s first love, he’s found another love because he decided to remain open and receptive to unimaginable opportunities that keep presenting themselves to him in the medical field. 

Let’s all be reminded to keep our minds open so that our options will continue to be. 


Geez! I can’t imagine where I’d be if I didn’t keep my options WIDE open! One random phone call changed the course of my life. For that I am forever grateful. I went from an environmentally comfortable & supportive job. To working outside in nature’s sometimes harsh elements & manly men who hunt & fish for fun. Not exactly a girl friendly environment. But I wouldn’t change a thing. I love what I do & have the respect of all the good old boys. Definitely worth keeping my options open. Have a fantabulous week y’all!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Chrissy, I have SO much respect for what U do & for the way that U show up daily & handle it like the Boss Lady that you are🤜🤛
Mrs. B said…
Just as nothing can get in a closed hand; nothing can get on a closed mind.

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