“We must not be Consumed”!!


There have been times in my life when I let things consume me. I would let them take over my entire day. I would worry about them constantly and lose sleep over them. I would ponder about what I was going to do concerning them and how the issue would get resolved. I wasted SO much time allowing my mind to be engrossed with unnecessary worries. Why didn’t I just think to turn those situations around and simply consume less? Less stress, less anxiety, less time worrying about things that I often had no control over.

At times we let life, children, work, finances, responsibilities, even world events overwhelm us to the point that we try fixing those things ourselves. OK… let me speak for myself! I would get so caught up in the how, the why, the what, etc, … that I forgot to look to the WHO that could ultimately resolve the issue(s). My focus was always on three people…. “Me”, “Myself” and “I”!!How was I going to resolve that problem myself?I was putting so much unnecessary pressure on “ME”! I was totally wearing “US” out!🙄 LOL!😜

I started noticing that situations always seemed to resolve themselves once I took the time to reflect, come to my senses and realize who was really in control! I could have prevented so many sleepless nights and worry-filled days by not letting things consume me and by Turning! Over! That! Control! 

Anyway… I’ve started taking a different approach by not letting things that I have no control over, consume my thought life, (as I’ve done in the past). Instead, I will tend to my responsibilities in the matter and leave the rest to The Ultimate Problem Solver so that I will no longer be consumed by it!


Mrs. B said…
Amen! Amen! and Amen!!!
Merry Christmas blessings to you and family!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Same to you Mrs. B🤗

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