When talking about our health, we must keep in mind, that there’s a holistic approach to health care. It’s not just one thing, but many different aspects that help keep us functioning. When we’re physically sick, we usually go to a medical Doctor or Specialist to help rectify the problem. Why then, is it so difficult for us to reach out to someone who specializes in mental illnesses??  

As I was reading up on this issue, I read that anyone can develop a mental health problem, but African Americans sometimes experience more severe forms of mental health conditions due to unmet needs and other barriers. It also spoke about the need for many blacks in the community to put up a facade of being strong when in fact they are dying inside, adding fuel to the fire.

OMG! That statement slapped me right in the face because I can remember when…. when I was that person struggling with depression and not knowing what the heck was going on. I can remember trying my BEST to put on a good face and act as if nothing was wrong, while it was literally & figuratively kicking my butt! It started to affect other areas of my life as well. It even began taking a toll on my health, until I finally decided, after much torment, that I could NOT do it on my own!!My illness was not physical, it was mental and I had to seek help from a specialist who knew how to deal with what I was experiencing. 

IF you’re in that space right now, please know that YOU! ARE! NOT! ALONE!! I often felt alone. I felt as if I was the only person experiencing what I was going through at that time. I didn’t feel like I could share those things with others for fear of being labeled, CRAZY! However, once I stopped bearing all of that pain and baggage alone and began acknowledging that there was something going on within that I definitely needed help to conquer, I sought out the help that I needed, to heal. 

I’m sharing this because I KNOW there are people reading this post who are trying to navigate those troubling thoughts on their own. You don’t have to go it alone. There is help out there. We just have to be brave enough to seek it. I’m still not 100% comfortable sharing this information with others but I also know that if I can be brave enough to share what little I have, then it might encourage someone else to be brave enough to take the steps needed on their road to recovery. BTW… you won’t just survive through it, you can also THRIVE!!  😊

Did you know that

Janet Jackson struggled with depression, Jennifer Lewis was diagnosed with Bipolar, Dwyane “The ROCK” Johnson battles with depression, Kerry Washington suffered from bouts of depression & an eating disorder, Kanye West is Bipolar, Mariah Carey struggles with bipolar disorder, Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child has battled depression since she was a teenager, Alicia Keys has dealt with depression, Wayne Brady suffered from depression throughout the years & had a debilitating mental breakdown, DMX was Bipolar-mixed with his drug addiction 


You are never alone. We only feel that way. I always say no matter how bad you feel & dark it seems right now I can guarantee it will Eventually get better. It just doesn’t feel like it when we’re walking that dark path. Talk it out. Write it out. Sing it out. Whatever you gotta do to relieve the pressure so that brain pipe doesn’t bust. Have a fantabulous day & thanks for sharing. We are here for you as you are for us.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Thx Chrissy 🤗 I'm certainty here to provide support & grateful to know that you're a part of my Team🤗
Anonymous said…
Yes, the Black community must get rid of the mental health stigma. If you need help, get it!!There are professionals waiting to help YOU!

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