Choose your circle wisely...

I was talking to someone the other day and we were reflecting on a situation that had me thinking about how things and events and people play a big role in shaping our lives. Ultimately, I feel that the decision is ours to own concerning how our lives can/will turn out. However, we can sometimes let outside influences have a bearing on the choices that we make.  

This can go one of two ways. The influencers can have an effect on us and leave a positive or negative impact that lingers for years to come. With that said, it’s very important for us to choose wisely the people that we invite into our lives and then actively and intentionally monitor the role(s) that they play in our life stories. 

It’s also OK to grow out of relationships with people when they prove themselves to be unworthy of our time and energy. As we’re going through the process of releasing people from our lives, we might experience feelings of dismaybut we soon come to the realization that this is a very necessary step in the process of healing and reclaiming our peace!!


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